The Art...
of living from your Art.
2020 came to show us what a fragile is our stability and how important that the virtual prescence on internet is to help us to continue moving our economy, no matters if we stay in home by a lockout or if public spaces are restringed, If we foresee these situations taking advantage of technology, we will have more possibilities to continue.
In the world of Art, sensitivity and creativity abound, but not the economic supports for the artists development and their works.
The creative process takes time ... and time is money.
The materials to create each work ... canvases, brushes, colors, frames, etc ... is money.
The exhibition spaces, galleries, art rooms, etc ... is also money.
The whole process from creating to selling means money.
That is, as in everything, to receive, you must first invest, but many times this is difficult when the artist's investment capital comes from the same income generated by the art sold.
The Art Garden seeks to support local and world Artists, offering them the option of multiplying their income, with the same original investment.
That is, why sell a single artwork, when the same artwork, you can sell it 100 times? (...or more)
TheArtGarden is a platform to explore the possibility of selling limited edition digital reproductions of your work, multiplying your profit and allowing more people who appreciate your Art to have one in their own spaces.
Why limit yourself to a physical space, to show your works for a few hours and only for a few days?
When you can constantly exhibit it 24/7 without time zone limitations and worldwide online.
Why have to invest to get incomes?
If you can find support in TheArtGarden, who can sponsor the production and shipments in exchange for a minimum percentage on the sale of the work. is now here, as a virtual tool to give that support to the artist, to exhibit, promote, reproduce and sell his art.
If you are interested in be part of The Art Garden ... Contact us as first step and ask how to participate.